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 Price list and sign-up

Signing up is easy: Simply click the registration button below, download the form, fill it out, and either bring it by the studio between class or mail it to the address listed on the form. We will call to confirm your registration and let you know what class and what day you start!


You can mail your payment with your registration form, or bring it by the studio beforeyour first class priod. Class fees are simple too; one payment for all classes in a session! Just mail your payment in with your registration form or bring it with you when you come in. Payment must be received by the first class of each month. Optional long-term contracts can be discussed, but they are NEVER required! Payment can be made by cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress or Discover are all accepted!).


Returning students who sign up and pay AT LEAST one week before the end of the current session will receive a 10% discount for the upcoming session.



Uniforms $40 and are required. All uniforms will be ordered upon payment. 
​Youth ages 7 through 14

Youth classes are 45 minutes in length, two nights a week.


Classes are charged "per session"; our schedule mimics Wilson County Schools 9-week calendar. 


One session, one child                                       $85

Cost for 2nd child                                               $80

Each subsequent child                                       $70

Adult ages 15 and up

Adult classes are one hour in length, two nights a week.​​


Classes are charged "per session"; our schedule mimics Wilson County Schools 9-week calendar


One Nine week session, one Adult             $115

Each Subsequent adult                                 $100

Each session is approximately nine weeks in length, and will include between 14-18 classes. there are five sessions each year, including one summer session of approximately 8-9 weeks. There will be a one to two week break between each session, with a slightly longer break at Christmas and the end of the summer session. Opportunities for testing and advancement will coincide with the end of each session; students will be recommended for advancement AS THEY EARN IT, not as part of any guarantee or desired timeline. 

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